vahid ghahreman

assistant professor

Date of birth : 1966-03-24
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Department : daneshname
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  • Scientific and research based articles

    • Taleghani, Marziyeh, Ehsan Pazouki, and vahid ghahreman. "The Correlation of Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics with Human Judgement on Persian Language." Journal of Language and translation ( a ) 9, no. 3 (2019): 43-55.

    • ghahreman, vahid, and Mojtaba Shabani. "The effects of word games on Iranian elementary EFL learners’ vocabulary achievement." International Journal of Language Studies ( a ) 15, no. 1 (2021): 123-144.

    • ghahreman, vahid, and Mohammad Tamimy. "Conversation analysis: An ELI5 overview." International Journal of Language Studies ( a ) 15, no. 4 (2021): 171-184.

    • ghahreman, vahid, Monica Karlsson, Ali Kazemi, Samira Saeedi, and Ali Elhami. "On the functions of hedging in research articles (RAs): A study on RA discussions." International Journal of Language Studies ( a ) 17, no. 01 (2023): 165-187.

  • Conducting Researches

    • Handbook of Translation Studies, جاری, 2022-09-23

    • دانشنامه استعمار غربی از نیمه دوم قرن پانزدهم میلادی, جاری, 2023-08-05